General Acronyms
Acronym | Meaning | Phrases |
ELI5 | Explain Like I'm 5 | ELI5 these terms and conditions |
WDTM | What does that mean | |
WFH | Work from home | |
AFD | Away from desk | |
RTO | Return to office | |
FYSA | For your situational awareness | |
AMA | Ask me anything | |
FTFY | Fixed that for you | |
TIL | Today I learned | |
YSK | You should know | |
YMMV | Your milage may vary | |
OP | Original poster | |
TLDR | Too long: didn't read | |
NGL | Not gonna lie | |
BRB | Be right back | |
NSFW | Not safe for work | Let's maybe not open that Reddit thread with the NSFW label |
SFW | Safe for work | |
AFAIK | As far as I know | |
IMO or IMHO | In my opinion / In my honest or humble opinion | |
IIRC | If I remember correctly | |
IRL | In real life | |
RTM | Read the manual or Return to merchandiser | |
SMH | Shaking my head | |
LMGTFY | Let me google that for you | |
GOAT | Greatest of all time | Patrick Mahomes is a GOAT. |
WIP | Work in progress | |
WIR | Week in review |
Adage | Meaning | Phrases |
Mea Culpa | An acknowledgment of one's fault or error | |
You are never too old to learn | Learning is a lifelong process and is not limited to youth | |
Red herring | Something intended to divert attention from the real problem or matter at hand; a misleading clue | This error in the logs is a red herring |
Shift Left | 1. Practice of moving testing, quality, and performance evaluation early in the development process, often before any code is written. 2. A concept that aims to shorten resolution times and reduce costs by solving issues earlier in the support process. |